The Oberlin College and Conservatory Class of 1971 is approaching its 50th Reunion. Many of the classmates with whom we've visited are excited about the reunion itself, and even more of us are committed to giving back to Oberlin. Would you like to be part of making our 50th year spectacular for us and for Oberlin? Complete this short survey and let the planning committee know how your expertise and interests can make the greatest impact.
You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.
Which of the following potential reunion year committees or working groups best match your skills and interests? Check all that apply
The Reunion Committee is still organizing, and this list comes from a variety of sources - we may not want some of these at all, and there may be others we need to add or split into multiple teams as we get closer to the date of the reunion.
If you like, add specific comments about your answers to question 1 above.
Are there focus areas that belong in Question 1 that we didn't include, or some that should be split into multiple groups? Are there any that we shouldn't include?